Secret Society’s inaugural incursion of the Year of Our Lord MMXIX will take place at The Jazz Gallery, a favored venue for my co-conspirators and I for over eleven years now. We’ll be performing there on Friday, January 11 and Saturday, January 12, with sets at 7:30 & 9:30 PM each night, performing music from all eras of Secret Society alongside several seldom-heard unrecorded works. We’ll also be welcoming some newly inaugurated co-conspirators into the fold. We hope you’ll join us as we celebrate another revolution around the sun, and greet the new day with euphonious spectacle.
Dave Pietro
Rob Wilkerson
Sam Sadigursky
John Ellis
Carl Maraghi
Seneca Black
David Smith (Jan. 11) / Jonathan Powell (Jan. 12)
Matt Holman
Rachel Therrien
Riley Mulherkar
Mike Fahie
Ryan Keberle (Jan. 11) / Natalie Cressman (Jan. 12)
Jacob Garchik
Jennifer Wharton
Sebastian Noelle, guitar
Adam Birnbaum, piano
Matt Clohesy, bass
Jon Wikan, drums